IOM's Nicole Burns on training in the Gold Coast

Isle of Man's Nicole Burns was busy training at the women's artistic gymnatics podium at the Coomera Indoor Sports Centre today.

The 20-year-old from Douglas told Energy FM News: "It went really well. We hadn't done all four apparatus on the podium yet. We've only been doing two and then the other two, so it went really well today."

On where she trains: "I train on the Isle of Man, but whilst I'm at university in Leeds, I train in Leeds. I study sports therapy, I'm in my second year. I've had to take off a month to come here so I'm going to be behind when I get back."

On the events she hopes to qualify for: "My goal is to make the all-around final, but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. I'd just love to make the all-round final. I haven't got any high hopes for individal apparatus."

On her favourite event: "I say beam at the minute, even though it's really easy to fall off."

Nicole's family have flown over to support her: "My mum and her partner have flown over. And also my brother and his girlfriend, they are actually here travelling Australia, so they came up to come see me. I haven't seen them since August."