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Victories for Cronkbourne & C'town

Sun, 12 Jun 2016

In yesterday’s (Saturday) matches in the Isle of Man Premiership there were victories for Cronkbourne and Castletown.   Ramsey play Peel & St John’s this afternoon (Sunday).
Cronkbourne scored 212 for 6 against Crosby with Jaco Jansen hitting 59 and Max Stokoe 51.   Dave Picken took 3 wickets for 24, while Ross Berry’s eight overs cost only 12 runs.  The Marown team were then dismissed for 86 despite a solid 30 from Chris Langford.  Matty Ansell returned 3 for 6 from 5 overs and Sam Mills had 2 for 9.
Castletown notched their second win of the season when they beat the Schools Eleven by three wickets.  Eddie Beard made 48 and Mark Williams 35 as the Scholars ended their 40 overs on 178 for 9.   Tom Kennaugh was the best of the bowlers with 4 for 29.  The Town got the runs in 31 overs, mainly thanks to Dan Laughlin hitting 54 from 48 balls.  Paul Fleming scored 40 while both Stuart Mellors and Eddie Beard took two wickets.

[Maurice Trace]

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