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Isle of Man Energy threatening to cut households off

Wed, 15 Nov 2023

A single mum from Ramsey has voiced her concerns regarding Isle of Man Energy (formerly Manx Gas) threatening to cut her off.

Leah Garrett explained in a Facebook post that three weeks ago she received a letter from Isle of Man Energy that informed her that rather than taking her monthly direct debit of £50, it’d be taking an additional £62, making her future bills £112 per month.

Although she had set up a standing order through her bank for £60 a month to go straight to the company, she then received a letter informing her that if her outstanding bill of £300 was not to be paid within 7 days of the letter her gas was to be cut off.

Garrett said: “I currently owe Manx gas £300, now yes this is a lump sum, which as of 3/4 years ago, this price would have come down hugely in the summer months, to the point they would owe me money back.

“The past two years I’ve kept next to no heating on and not used my water half as much as I usually do to ensure my bill remains low. We have all been doing this.”

She has contacted Isle of Man Energy directly informing it about her current living situation, to be told “I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do about it”.

Having worked on the Island since 14, Garrett questions as to why “how much we invest to our island, nothing is given back”.

She added that: “Christmas is next month, and the road ahead looks cold and dark for families facing these issues.”

Leah is aware she is not alone with this situation, as many of her friends and family have received the same letter.

She said: “I have a 3 year old child to heat and keep warm, to keep clean and make sure she is well health wise.”

Over 100 people have commented on the Facebook post, many of which are in agreement with Leah and are in the same position as her.

Arbory, Castletown and Malew MHK, Jason Moorhouse has also been outspoken regarding Isle of Man Energy stating that “Isle of Man Energy appear to be on the verge off disconnecting an additional 90 people in the coming days”.

He wrote a post about Isle of Man Energy cutting off people's gas and was “shocked by the amount of emails, messages” which he received.

Moorhouse will be asking the Chair of the Office of Fair Trading following Urgent Question in Tynwald next week:

“What discussions have taken place with Isle of Man Energy about any plans they may have to turn off people’s gas in the coming days; how many people are likely to be affected; and what power the OFT has to ensure that people either remain connected or can be reconnected.”

We have contacted Isle of Man Energy for comment.



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